| | Harness the Power of Modified COTS The rapid pace of technological innovation combined with customer demands for the latest technologies within shorter development times and limited budgets create major challenges for system designers and integrators. To address these challenges and achieve engineering excellence, defense and aerospace system integration teams around the world are leveraging best-in-class technologies for their custom military designs and custom rugged computers. | 
Leverage Market Leading Experience and Expertise
With an extensive library of market leading COTS intellectual property, a multi-million dollar development and test infrastructure, and an experienced world class engineering team, the Curtiss-Wright MCOTS IPT offers unmatched design and development expertise for tailored rugged computers. By combining its market leading experience and expertise with its strong embedded industry partnerships, the MCOTS team makes it easier for you to design and develop efficient, high performance, state-of-the-art rugged military electronics. Choose MCOTS Capabilities
The Curtiss Wright MCOTS team offers a complete selection of services that make it easier for you to take your project over the finish line in less time and under budget: - In-depth requirements capture, definition and specification generation
- Proven, detailed design processes, including critical design reviews, developed and enhanced through decades of experience
- Award winning defense and aerospace program management expertise
- In-depth and thorough mechanical engineering, ruggedization design and testing program of any COTS vendor
- Extensive FPGA, graphics and communications development experience
- Comprehensive board support package (BSP) development and porting
- Optimal software driver integration
- Experienced safety/security certification and artifact generation
- The best COTS longevity of supply and obsolescence management services available
- Effective long term product re-engineering and cost reduction strategies
- Highly flexible development and manufacturing business models
Partner with Curtiss-Wright’s MCOTS Team
Reduce Costs - Save approximately 40% to 60% on project costs by leveraging our IP investment and development infrastructures
Reduce Risks - Draw on our experience and insights into how to build rugged boards.
- Capitalize on our extensive inventory of hardware and software IP building blocks developed during decades of defense and aerospace projects.
- Leverage the expertise of our major strategic partners’ road maps and their technology directions that will give you the inside trackon the best approach for your project.
- Tap into our longevity of supply and technical support services, which are specifically designed for defense and aerospace program support.
- Benefit from our quality project management and delivery processes, which have been field proven with hundreds of customers.
Accelerate Time-to-Market - Save approximately 4 to 8 months of development time by leveraging our experienced developers who have the insights and knowledge to help you cross the finish line sooner. That’s the M-COTS approach.
- Start application development right away using COTS products. You focus on your application, while we focus on the COTS hardware and software.
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